City Council
The Virginia Beach City Council is an 11-member legislative body that governs our community.
The Virginia Beach City Council is an 11-member legislative body that governs our community.
City Council holds formal sessions, which areĀ open to the public, on the first four Tuesdays each month in City Hall (Building 1), Virginia Beach, Virginia, with the exception of Federal holidays and the following:
City Council holds informal sessions in the City Council Conference Room #2034, as scheduled in the published agenda, to discuss matters of interest to the Council and receive briefings/reports from those requested by City Council and the City Manager.
City Council holds formal sessions in the City Council Chamber on the first and third Tuesday at 6 p.m. to take public input and action on items posted in the published agenda.
City Council holds formal sessions in the City Council Conference Room #2034 on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month. These formal sessions are held at the conclusion of the informal session for the purpose of convening into closed session to consider appointments to City Council Appointive Agencies.
If you have physical, hearing or visual impairments and need assistance at these meetings, please call the Virginia Relay Center at 1-800-828-1120, and ask them to call the City Clerk at 757-385-4303 at least 48 hours in advance.
Council meetings are cablecast live on VBTV Cox Cable channel 48, on Verizon Cable channel 45 and on the VirginiaBeach.gov media center. The meeting is rebroadcast on Cox channel 48 and Verizon channel 45 the following Thursday at 7 p.m., Friday at 9 a.m. and Sunday at 9 a.m.
Council presentations that were publicly presented in 2024 and later can be found on eDocs within the presentations folder. They are uploaded within 24 hours following the City Council meeting. Council presentations prior to 2024 can be found within the meeting minutes of a given meeting.