Agenda & Document Archive
Agendas, summaries and minutes of past City Council meetings are available in the eDocs archive.
Agendas, summaries and minutes of past City Council meetings are available in the eDocs archive.
The following documents are available for anyone to view in the eDocs archive.
Includes specific items for the briefings, informal sessions and formal sessions, which may include briefings by staff or regional representatives, presentations, proclamations, resolutions, ordinances, zoning applications, board appointments and specific documents to be recorded for the record, such as legal cases, election result confirmations, etc.
An abbreviated recap of actions taken by City Council shown in the order of the printed agenda. The summary reflects the vote of individual Council Members and includes every item on the agenda for that specific date.
The "action" is shown as adopted, approved, approved by consent (meaning that more than one item was considered and voted upon with one vote), approved as conditioned, deferred, denied, modified, revised, or by consensus (meaning that no vote was taken, but there was unanimous approval for rescheduling or recording for the record).
Briefings, informal sessions and formal sessions are not verbatim. They are "action" minutes only.